Thursday, 30 October 2014

Fire Station Visit

Today we visited the fire station as a celebration of our Firewise Unit.  Click on the photo of the fire engine to view a video of our visit.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Mad Math Minute Link

Check out the link for the Mad Math Minute website for great videos for your child's current level.  Go to the Math page and click on the Mad Math minute logo like below.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Body Fuel

This is a great site for children to explore for our current topic "Body Fuel" with great recipes for children to make and 'Vege People' to create.

Kids Restore the Kepler - Fantails

This term we are looking at Native Birds.  We started this week with the Fantail.

These birds are known for their friendly 'cheet cheet' call and energetic flying antics.  The fantail is easily recognized by its fan-shaped tail.  Their main prey are moths, flies, spiders, wasps and beetles, although they sometimes also eat fruit.

We made our own fantail sitting in a tree with their eggs in a nest.