Thursday, 29 September 2016

Determination - let's get the job done

Here we are trying to write our names with our toes!
As part of our Values this week, we are learning about DETERMINATION.  We watched a You Tube clip about a little girl who had no arms.  She showed great determination to complete everyday tasks.  We had to have a go at writing our name on a piece of paper with our toes, and then try and thread a bead onto a pipe cleaner.  This was extremely hard but as you can see below we all showed our Te Anau value of Determination!                            
Look at the determination on Bella's face.

Here we are trying to thread a bead onto a pipe cleaner.  We were allowed to use our arms this time to lean back on!
Some of us managed to get it on in the end, but it was hard.

Then some of us had a go tucking our arms away - this was SO HARD!!

Kiwi weaving

Our last group is working with Jane.  They are making a Kiwi using willow twigs.  First they had to make a round body and use patience to weave and tie the twigs on.
Here we are trying to get the first part done
Now we are working on tying the twigs together with twine.

Making Mushrooms

Our group has finished making the hedgehogs with Grandma Joy, so now we are making some mushrooms.  We had to paint up some old bowls then find the right sticks to glue as stems.  

Art with Mrs Taylor

These are our bubbles we made - we had to work together to do this
Learning the techniques of paper curling

This is the beginnings of our flower 

Some of our art work displayed in the office foyer.  Can you see our flowers?

More on our Stick Insect

Here are more photos of us making our stick insect.  

This is Lucy using the drill

James and Joshua are filing

Zane is busy hammering Room 3 into it with a punch

Friday, 23 September 2016

Morepork Garden Art

One of our art groups are making a Morepork from recycled metal products.  This is us in the planning stage with our helpers - Katie Jones and Jude Cantwell.

Then we are choose some products and putting it together without glue!! Just to see what it looks like and if we want to change.

Day 2:  Gluing - we learnt not to put our fingers on Super Glue!!

TO BE term.

Lab in a Box

Our school was lucky enough to have Lab in a Box this week.  Each class got to visit this for a 45 minute session.

We tried to make a rocket go up by dipping the rocket into baking soda and then into vinegar.  It didn't really get the power to work, but it was fun trying.  We would have to think of a better way to make it work.

Then we got to test which product was more acidic - coke, cleaner, milk, vinegar, orange juice.  Which one do you think was the more acidic???

The last thing we did was to go and collect something in a test tube which we got to put under a microscope and get a close up look.  The ladybug looked amazing, bugs were pretty cool to see but some moved pretty fast!

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Day Three - Art continues

The girls are threading beads with wire and tying onto the dragonfly wings

More sanding going on for our stick insect
The boys are adding finishing touches to their stone carvings
Chase has almost completed his mosaic heart

Brooke has started her Tin Foil art

Jemima is making an excellent job with her mosaic heart

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

What are children doing when not out doing Garden Art?

If our adult helpers can't come on a day we are back in Room 3 with Mrs Taylor being exposed to a variety of art works.

Today (Monday 12th September) our group tried some tin foil art and mosaic hearts.
Tin foil art

Emma beginning her heart



Garden Art - continues...

Making a stick insect with Pi'ilani

We were sanding the stick to make it smooth and sawing off some excess branches.

Day 2 with our Koru carvings.

We got to use some exciting tools today.  We had face masks on and safety goggles.

Today our hedgehog group started with "Grandma Joy".

We had to work carefully to wrap the twine around the bottle to create our nose.  This was stuck down with PVA